Saturday, October 28, 2006

Even Canada gets it! Shoots down amnesty for illegals

Via WorldNetDaily:

Canada, an immigration-hungry nation, has ruled out amnesty for an estimated 200,000 illegal aliens within its borders because of the unfairness of such a policy.
According to a letter obtained by the Toronto Globe and Mail, Canadian officials have decided it would not be fair to those immigrants who have applied legally and are waiting in line.

Allowing illegal workers to stay would likely "encourage more illegal immigration," noted Linda Arseneau of Citizenship and Immigration Canada's ministerial enquiries division in a letter to the Universal Workers Union.
"Even a small increase in the number who decide to come here and stay here illegally based on the hope of regularization would simply recreate the very problem the proposal is supposed to fix," the letter says.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., President Bush continues to promote the unpopular idea of an amnesty plan for as many as 20 million illegal aliens in his country.

One word of caution however. If Bush’s partnership with Canada and Mexico for open borders and the North American Union succeed … amnesty won’t even be needed. Canada may simply realize this and if so … there would be no reason to risk the political fallout that would come from public support of an amnesty program.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bush follow a similar path. Simply ignore the issue until it no longer matters.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Venezuela helping terrorists enter the U.S. ?


A Congressional Homeland Security report accuses Venezuela of providing support that could help terrorists infiltrate the United States through Texas' porous border with Mexico.

The Subcommittee on Investigations of the House Homeland Security Committee found that the government of President Hugo Chavez has issued thousands of identity documents that could help terrorists elude immigration checks and illegally enter the United States.

Federal law enforcement personnel told the subcommittee's staff that it is difficult to provide the total number of Special Interest Aliens entering the U.S. because they pay large amounts of money, between $15,000 and $60,000, to employ the more effective Mexican alien smuggling organizations and are less likely to be apprehended.

McCaul is concerned that Chavez is turning Venezuela into a staging area for terrorism in America'’s backyard, "“We know that Mr. Chavez in Venezuela has openly embraced the Islamic jihad world. We know that Hezbollah operatives have been given safe haven in Venezuela. So the threat is very real."

Click here to read the entire story.

Click the photos to watch the videos.

Hat Tip: Allahpundit at HotAir

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

We have a new addition to the blog team

Christopher McAllister will be joining our team of bloggers sometime in the next day or so. Christopher is a great addition and is currently writing for 'Chronicles of a Houston Firefighter.'

As you might have guessed by the name of his blog -- he's a firefighter and EMT in Houston, Texas so right off the bat he deserves a ton of respect.

He'll be a big help in keeping the blog active and I hope you'll all make him feel welcome.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

VERIFIED! Video released of American school children being told to pledge to the Mexican Flag

Most of you will have a hard time stomaching this. You might want to take a couple aspirin before watching ... just to thin out the blood a little.

No - these pics were not taken in Mexico. The following videos were taken in a Texas elementary school.

Click the screens to watch, but don't say you weren't warned.

Hat Tip:

Honestly, I'm not even sure who to tell you to call. My first impulse is to post a list of numbers for those I think are responsible, but that would pretty much cover everyone in office.

I believe the only way this systematic invasion, mutiny, and treason is going to stop is for conservatives to get off our ass and take to the streets. So far we've whined, pouted, and whimpered without so much as lifting a finger.

It's time! Who's in?! How many of you have signed up for the Miller boycott phase 3? If you care about this issue, there's no excuse to not get off your ass and do something about it. So I ask again ...

Who's in?

I am now collecting email address for those who want to get involved. If you're serious, please contact me and let me know. Don't wait! Do it now.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

URGENT request from
BY GREGOR has sent out the following notice in preperation for phase III of their boycott of Miller Brewing Company for supporting ILLEGAL immigration. Jump on board people! This is your chance to make a difference.

Read the notice and instructions on how you can participate and make a difference on our affiliate blog. Click here.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Illegals caught in fake border patrol vehicle

Via the Associated Press:

Thirty illegal entrants were found in a vehicle that had been made up to look like a U.S. Border Patrol transport van, authorities said.

The vehicle was seized Wednesday near San Miguel on the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation about 70 miles southwest of Tucson.

The van had horizontal green stripes along the sides, Border Patrol emblems on its doors and the words “Border Patrol” written across the rear. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Casa Grande station came in contact with the van while responding to activity in the area.

After seeing the agents, the driver turned the van around and tried to return to Mexico.

Authorities said the male driver abandoned the van about 100 yards from the border and sprinted into Mexico, leaving behind the 30 illegal immigrants.

All 30 were taken to the law-enforcement center on the reservation and processed for illegally entering the United States.

I guess the question now is … were they returned to Mexico or will they be released into the U.S.? You know which one my money is on.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

GOP Straw poll for October

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Illegals file lawsuit against Wendy's

This is a bizarre story. Apparently Wendys was hiring illegal workers and given the chance to file legal papers which would make these illegals ... legal? Okay, that's confusing enough but now it seems that because Wendy's did not file the legal papers before a cutoff date ... the illegal aliens who were illegally working at a restaurant who hired them illegally have filed a lawsuit.

Errr ... right.

Via the Associated Press:

A group of illegal immigrants who worked for Wendy's International Inc. is suing the restaurant chain because the company fired them after discovering it had missed a deadline for joining a federal program that would have helped them attain legal status.

The lawsuit, filed Friday in state district court in Houston, is a companion to a similar class-action suit filed last month in Dallas against Dublin, Ohio-based Wendy's, its subsidiary Cafe Express and the Houston-based business law firm Boyar & Miller.

The immigrants, who worked for Cafe Express, are seeking unspecified damages.

Between the two lawsuits, 40 illegal immigrants say they were fired after the company recently found that Boyar & Miller, the law firm Wendy's had hired, never filed paperwork for a 2001 legalization program that allowed immigrants with employer sponsorship or an American spouse to apply for citizenship.

Once the discovery was made, Wendy's was forced by law to fire the employees because of their illegal status.

I think Wendy's might be getting off lucky. If I had MY way ... all competing fast food chains in the area would also be filing lawsuits against them for unfair business practices and illegal hiring. All this could have been avoided if Wendy's had simply hired AMERICAN CITIZENS rather than illegals. Or am I to believe there are no American kids willing to work at Wendys?

I'm officially never eating Wendy's again. They ought to be next in line on the boycott list, right behind Miller Brewing Co.

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