Things you can do to win the issues; Center for Individual Freedom
The following post is republished as recieved from NewsMax, courtesy of the Center for Individual Freedom. Original hyperlinks have been replaced with GOP contact info. PLEASE take the time to read it through, and then write, call, or email every republican representative letting them know they WILL NOT GET YOUR VOTE unless they act. We need every conservative in this country to do whatever possible to send this message to our leaders.

Come November, Nancy Pelosi could become Speaker of the House and Harry Reid could become Majority Leader of the Senate. Worse, our government could be run by the likes of cut-and-run John Murtha, and tax-and-spend liberals like Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
That's all the buzz and chatter coming from so-called political experts and talking-head pundits these days. And, it's exactly what is going to happen unless the Republican leadership in Congress wakes up and delivers the conservative agenda that you and the majority of American people have demanded for so many years!
Years ago, conservative leaders in Congress promised the American people that they would pass a conservative agenda. Years later, the American people are still waiting!
The truth is Americans are fed up! And for good reason.
But RIGHT NOW is our best chance to demand that Republicans make good on those promises that have gone unfulfilled all these years! You see, Congress just returned from its summer break and is holding a short, few-week legislative session before adjourning for the November elections. And now, more than ever -- with sagging poll numbers staring them in the face and with the elections right around the corner -- they are willing to listen to the demands of the American people. That means we have less than a month to demand they pass the REAL conservative agenda that they have scuttled all of these years. That means...
We have until the end of the month to pass legislation that will secure the borders and stop illegal immigration ! So-called "comprehensive solutions" and amnesty programs MUST be tabled!
We have until the end of the month to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to responsible oil exploration to reduce our nation's dependence on Middle Eastern Oil. Even with the new discovery in the Gulf of Mexico, the United States needs to assert our energy independence once and for all to control prices and inflation and to end the power that other countries have over us.
We have until the end of the month to confirm the President's judicial nominees to the federal bench. President Bush has started the ball rolling by nominating and re-nominating five judges -- some that liberals in Congress have been obstructing for years. Our conservative leaders MUST confirm these judges this session -- even if that means deploying the "Nuclear Option." There can be NO MCCAIN INSPIRED COMPROMISES!
We have until the end of the month to permanently eliminate the "death tax," which allows the federal government to tax income twice -- once when you earn it and a second time when you die.
We have until the end of the month to finally confirm John Bolton as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
And we have until the end of the month to force Congress to enact real measures to support the President and renew our commitment to fight the War on Terror!
Starting today, we will continually bombard Congress with that no-nonsense six point agenda but we need your help!
Our conservative leaders must KNOW -- without a doubt -- that they must pass these six items! And if they fail...
Well, the American people won't be to blame if they find themselves reporting to Harry Reid in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House.
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to:
Pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #1: Secure The Borders
Some areas of this country have been taken over by illegal aliens:
In Atkinson County, Georgia, so many illegal aliens have settled in the tiny town of Pearson that Serafico Jaimes opened up a Spanish-language video store and began flying the Mexican flag next to the American flag.
"This is our town now, too," he announced.
One Atkinson County resident whose family has lived in the county since the 19th century summed it up:
"I have children and grandchildren. They're going to become second-class citizens. And we're going to be a third world country here if we don't do something about it."During a "SaveOurState" rally in Maywood, CA recently, a group of illegal aliens and their supporters removed the American flag from a post office and replaced it with the Mexican flag. A group of approximately 200 illegal-supporters carried signs reading
"We are the only legal owners of this continent."A coalition of Texas sheriffs recently issued a warning that Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States. The Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes these likely terrorists and drug smugglers are being aided by the Mexican military to get them across the border.
But these types of stories are not just coming out of Georgia, California and Texas. The same thing is happening in the Northwest, Midwest, and New England.
Four border state governors -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- see the problem for what it is and wrote a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist demanding that Congress IMMEDIATELY pass immigration legislation.
Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, Rick Perry of Texas, Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Janet Napolitano of Arizona told the leadership:
"Instead of holding dozens of [congressional] field hearings... we urge you to get back to work and pass legislation that... solves this crisis once and for all."
Writing "from the front lines," the governors said the "explosion" of the illegal-alien population in California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico has gone so far that "citizens and non-citizens alike are losing respect for the rule of law."
These four speak for people in all 50 states, as polls continue to show. More than two-thirds of Americans are furious at the Senate for voting earlier to give amnesty, welfare, and Social Security benefits to illegal aliens already in the United States. More than two-thirds of Americans strongly support the House bill, which makes no mention of amnesty and would shut down the border so tight that even a sidewinder couldn't slither through. So what are our conservative leaders waiting for? Are they confused about what their constituents want?
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
What will happen if we give amnesty to the 12 million illegal aliens in our midst?
Suppose we continue to let people stream across our borders?
Robert Rector, a highly respected researcher at the Heritage Foundation, said of the Senate amnesty bill:
"[It] would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years -- fully one third of the current population of the United States."
That figure was later amended to about 67 million after the Senate passed the amnesty bill -- but if Rector's nightmare becomes reality, what would happen to America?
Consider the fact that illegal aliens make up more than 100,000 convicted felons in our state prisons --
Consider the story of a Denver teacher who reported that the Denver public school system had a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate. And 30 percent of the teachers weren't coming back. Why? "The classrooms featured so much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension, stabbings and death."
The Congressional Budget Office now claims that the cost of enacting the Senate amnesty bill would reach almost $127 billion. And their figures match estimates by Heritage that the additional welfare costs ALONE would reach -- are you ready for this -- $50 billion!
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #2: Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Including Opening ANWR to Responsible Drilling.
If you've gassed up your car in the past couple of days, you may have noticed that the price dropped slightly -- at my station, it's $2.86 for a gallon regular unleaded.
Did you say to yourself, "Hey, that's a great price!" If so, you've run up the white flag. Americans shouldn't be paying nearly $3.00 for gas. We are too dependent on oil controlled by sheikhs, mullahs, ayatollahs and banana republic dictators. That's why we MUST develop a small sector of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)! According to the Department of Energy that area could produce "[A]bout one million barrels of oil per day - about 20% of our domestic daily production."
In addition, experts believe that drilling in ANWR would also:
Replace the oil we lost because of the devastation caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Replace more than 30 years worth of Saudi oil imports and 58 years worth of Iraqi oil imports. Moreover, it would take a big bite out of the $150 billion -- that's $150,000,000,000 -- the United States spends each and every year importing foreign oil.
Create over 736,000 new jobs -- that's nearly three quarters of a million -- in the United States.
Raise more than $29 billion in new federal tax revenues -- that's $29,000,000,000 -- and over $31 billion in new state tax revenues over a 15 year period -- without raising taxes.
Yet, Senate liberals voted against ANWR exploration at least nine times over the last five years.
And House liberals voted against ANWR exploration at least six times in the last five years.
Opening ANWR is a win-win issue for the American people. Now our conservative leaders must rally the troops.
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #3: On Judicial Nominations, Stand Up to Senate Obstructionists or Invoke The Nuclear Option to Confirm Conservative Judges. And what about the President's nominees to the federal bench?
Recently, President Bush sent five nominations to the Senate; Terrence Boyle, William Haynes, William Myers, Michael Wallace and Norman Smith. You already know some of these names. Senate liberals have obstructed some of these fine individuals for years -- not even allowing a fair up-or-down vote on their confirmations. When President Bush nominated these superbly qualified people last week, he made the following statement at an event for Bob Corker -- who is running for Majority Leader Bill Frist's seat in the Senate, "I need a U.S. senator who understands that we need people on the bench who will strictly interpret the Constitution and not use the bench to legislate." Truer words were never spoken!
Isn't it time for Bill Frist and the other GOP Senate leaders to tell liberals in their own party like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to quit playing Patty-Cake with Democrats? We should demand that a united conservative majority bring ALL conservative nominees to the floor for fair up-or-down votes! And if that means invoking the "Nuclear Option," then so be it. Let's get these nominees on the bench once and for all, because if Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid get their wish, it will never happen!
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago. Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #4: Permanently Repeal the Death Tax Once And For All. We pay enough taxes while we are alive. We shouldn't be forced to stick our children and grandchildren with a large tax bill when we die. The relatively small amount of revenue the death tax generates for Uncle Sam cannot justify robbing the graves of hard-working Americans who have earned the right to pass on their assets to their children.
And let's not accept any excuses! We are sick of hearing Republican leaders in the Senate say, "We can't do it. If we try to repeal the death tax again, the liberals will simply filibuster again."
Conservatives control the majority. They must start acting like it! Bring the death tax to a vote EVERY WEEK... force the liberals to filibuster the repeal of the death tax again and again and again before they must face the wrath of the voters!
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #5: Confirm John Bolton. Liberals have blocked the appointment of John Bolton -- our no-nonsense, tough-talking Ambassador to the United Nations -- for far too long.
And just a few days ago, "Republican In Name Only" (RINO), Senator Lincoln Chafee shocked everyone by REFUSING to support John Bolton.
Chafee's actions have massive repercussions. His lack of support will give the liberals the excuse and the ammunition they need to continue to obstruct the nomination of this fine man!
And if Bolton is NOT confirmed before Congress adjourns, there is a good chance he will be forced to step aside and President Bush will be forced to appoint someone to the liking of the hate-America crowd at the U.N. and Kofi Annan.
If Bolton is not confirmed, the United States will be sending a clear message to Secretary General Annan that it's business as usual at the United Nations -- that Oil-for-Food scams, United Nations Internet pedophile rings and sex scandals in the Congo ARE the order of business! That's the wrong message to send!
Iran and North Korea are flexing their nuclear muscle and Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda are becoming more aggressive against the United States and our allies.
Right now, the world is a very dangerous place!
We need John Bolton's firm hand at the United Nations more than ever!
If Bolton is not confirmed by the Senate, the liberals -- who have obstructed his nomination -- and the America-haters all over the world will WIN and the American people and the world will LOSE!
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.
Priority #6: Win The War On Terror. Last month, a solitary federal judge appointed by Jimmy Carter had the audacity to tell the President of the United States to stop gathering intelligence from a foreign enemy during wartime.
And five years after 9-11, politicians are still discussing whether it's okay to gather intelligence by monitoring phone calls that known and suspected terrorists make to the United States!
Several months ago, the United States Supreme Court sided with Osama Bin Laden's personal driver -- a blood-thirsty terrorist by the name of Salim Ahmed Hamdan -- and declared that the President did NOT have the authority to conduct military tribunals to deal with these pathetic specimens of humanity.
While it is clear that our judiciary is out of control, Congress can intercede and affirm a simple fact that Americans have known for decades -- that the President DOES INDEED have the authority to conduct war and keep Americans safe from terrorism. In fact, legislation is already on the calendar that will address both of those issues. It shouldn't be a difficult task to pass this important legislation that can save American lives -- yet conservative leaders in Congress have had unexplainable difficulty in the recent past! Enough is enough!
Do we need to continually remind our elected leaders that an election is coming up in a little more than 60 days? The time for excuses is long past.Republican leaders MUST eradicate the death tax, secure the borders, open up ANWR to drilling, invoke the nuclear option, confirm John Bolton and support the President in the War on Terror.
Anything less is simply unacceptable!
Please join me in taking action today!
Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.
Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.
Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

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CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization withthe mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
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