Thursday, November 09, 2006
Via WorldNetDaily:
A 19-year-old construction worker flipped out, hitting and strangling indie actress Adrienne Shelly with a bed sheet because she dared to call him a "son of a bitch," police sources said yesterday.
Ecuadorian illegal immigrant Diego Pillco told cops he took that insult literally and became enraged during a confrontation with the pint-sized actress last week over noise he was making in the apartment below her Greenwich Village office, sources said.
A native of the city of Cuenca, Pillco arrived in the United States in the summer of 2005 after paying smugglers $12,000 to sneak him over the Mexican border, law-enforcement sources said.
Pillco eventually made his way to Brooklyn, where he moved into a basement apartment with his brother Wilson - who had arrived months earlier - at 328 Prospect Ave., where a cousin also lived.
His landlord, Louis Hernandez, hired Pillco to work as a part-time helper for his construction company, even though - by his own admission - he knew the immigrant did not have legal working papers.
At first, he denied any knowledge of Shelly's death.
"He was acting like nothing happened," one source said. "He was like ice."
But after about a half-hour of interrogation, Pillco began confessing to the murder in a matter-of-fact manner, the source said.
Just doing jobs Americans won’t do, like … CONSTRUCTION!
I continue to believe that this problem will go away if enough lawsuits are filed. When people start getting burned financially for incidents like this - it will stop cold.
The family of the victim should file a lawsuit against Louis Hernandez (the landlord who hired an illegal alien). It is by his act that brought an illegal alien murderer into a position to endanger and eventually murder a legal tenant.
If there are any attorneys out there who would like to assist me in putting together a legal team for situations such as this, please contact me immediately.
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Almost a daily occurrence now, yet still we are forced to listen to our government leaders tell us how important illegals are to our country.
Via WorldNetDaily:
Three people – two North Carolina State University students and a 16-year-old – have been killed by an illegal alien, who allegedly was driving drunk, and already had a record of crime in the United States.
Authorities say Pastor Rios Sanchez, 55, is expected back in a North Carolina court on Nov. 15 on charges he killed Helen Meghan Hughes, 22, of Summerville, S.C., Jennifer Carter, 18, of Jacksonville, N.C., and Hughes' stepbrother, 16-year-old Ben Leonard.
The two women were students at North Carolina State and all three were returning to Raleigh recently when a car crossed the center line about five miles from Sanford and collided head on with Hughes' station wagon. Two died instantly and Leonard died after being taken to Central Carolina Hospital, Highway Patrol Trooper K.T. Hill said of the Oct. 27 crash.
Immigration officer Tom O'Connell said Sanchez had a residency card but it apparently was forged. And District Judge Donald L. Boone noted that the bond seemed "really low" for the counts in the case.
Authorities also said Sanchez had pleaded guilty to driving without a license a year ago. And court records show he was accused of a similar count in March and another in April. One count was dismissed and Sanchez failed to show up for court on the other.
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Sunday, November 05, 2006
Via WorldNetDaily:
In a panel discussion on U.S.-Mexico relations last Tuesday at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Enrique Berruga, Mexico's ambassador to the United Nations, came right out and said a North American Union is needed – and even provided a deadline.
Berruga said the merger must be complete in the next eight years before the U.S. baby boomer retirement wave hits full force.
There have been conferences, academic papers, mock student parliaments and secret meetings on a confederation of the U.S., Canada and Mexico into future North American Union, but, until now, few officials of any of the three countries have publicly called for the creation of a European Union-style merger.The discussion was organized by the UTSA Mexico Center and the San Antonio campus of Mexico's National Autonomous University.
Click here for the full report.
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